By On January 22, 2022
Want to improve the lower body by removing excess skin and fat? Then, a lower body lift is the perfect procedure for you. And, the closest country to the U.S. with exceptional medical facilities and the lowest prices, is Costa Rica.
Map of Costa Rica
Costa Rica is the main destination for the very best doctors, state-of-the-art hospitals, and absolute lowest prices for a perfect lower body lift.
A lower body lift, also known as a circumferential belt procedure, circumferential belt lipectomy or simply a belt lipectomy, is a procedure that removes loose skin and fat from the lower body areas.
It typically addresses areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, flanks and buttocks.
Lower body lifts are excellent solutions for those who wish to slim down and restore their bodies to a more youthful appearance.
A Perfect Medical Vacation in Costa Rica – Plastic Surgery prices
This type of surgery is usually sought by patients who have had bariatric surgery, extreme weight loss or pregnancy, and have tried healthy diets and exercise, but need a little more to achieve their goals.
Typical lower body lift areas in Costa Rica.
For the abdomen, a full tummy tuck will remove excess skin and fat, tighten the muscles, narrow the waistline, and flatten the belly to give a perfect trim and smooth midsection. The sides, hips, love handles and flanks will all be trimmed down in the procedure.
If thighs are an issue, you may have a complete inner thigh lift which will address the lateral areas of the inner thighs, and after loose skin and fat is removed, you will have a slimmer look and be much more comfortable sitting and walking.
The buttocks also tend to sag as time goes by, so a lower body lift will actually raise and reshape the buttocks to present a more proportional look. Additionally, an optional fat transfer from the abdomen to the buttocks will fill the buttocks to give a natural curve and good appearance. This is called a Brazilian buttocks lift (or Brazilian butt lift).
Following the procedure, a compression garment is worn and many times the doctor will prescribe soothing massages to help with drainage and healing.
Enjoying the beaches of Costa Rica – Where to Stay!
A full lower body lift can be done in the same surgery, in just one day, in Costa Rica.
Initial swelling and bruising will decrease in approximately 2 weeks, but some time will be needed until the final result becomes stable.
Costa Rica is an especially good choice for lower body lifts because of the exceptional skill of the surgeons in this procedure and because their prices are up to 75% less than the U.S.
Amazing Lower Body Lifts in Costa Rica – Prices
Your visit to Costa Rica will be 7 days, and either before or after your surgery you may enjoy some of the best tours and sightseeing in the world.
For an idea of tours with videos, go to the Costa Rica Medical Center Inn website.
Costa Rica Medical Center Inn, San José, Costa Rica – Rates
Costa Rica is an amazing safe and beautiful country to visit, and there is much to see and do. And, their plastic surgeons are among the very top doctors in the world.
For the lowest discounted prices in Costa Rica and more information on lower body lifts, get prices from the top medical group, the Medical Group of Costa Rica.
Cima Hospital – in San José, Costa Rica
Cima Hospital – San José, Costa Rica
For Medical Tourism, Cima Hospital in San José, Costa Rica offers the very best in medical services. It is a JCI-accredited hospital with complete facilities for plastic surgery and other surgeries.
The Medical Tourism Guy – All about Lower Body Lifts in Costa Rica!
Lower body lifts in Costa Rica – The Medical Tourism Guy. Costa Rica is close to the U.S. and has the lowest prices. Find the Best Doctor and Cheapest Price for a lower body lift. Costa Rica has the Lowest Price for a lower body lift. The Medical Tourism Guy knows the Best Clinics in Costa Rica for a lower body lift. The Medical Tourism Guy recommends the Top Doctors in Costa Rica for a lower body lift. Find plastic surgeons in Costa Rica for a lower body lift – The Medical Tourism Guy. Patient Reviews, Before and After pictures, Top Rated Doctors, Hospitals and Clinics, Lowest Prices for lower body lifts – The Medical Tourism Guy. Keyword tags: costa rica, lower body lift, circumferential belt procedure, circumferential belt lipectomy, belt lipectomy, lowest prices, best, top, board certified, plastic surgeons, costa rican, doctors, surgery, plastic surgery, sightseeing, tours
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