By On April 17, 2021
If it is time to flatten your abdomen for a more youthful appearance, then consider a tummy tuck to tighten, contour and rejuvenate the abdomen. For exceptional medical facilities and the lowest prices, the main destination is Costa Rica.
Map of Costa Rica
Tummy tucks come in various types with different names. You may have heard of a full tummy tuck, mini tummy tuck, extended tummy tuck, panniculectomy or abdominoplasty. By any name, it is a wonderful surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.
Tummy tucks flatten the abdomen – Description
A tummy tuck will dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen, especially when combined with liposuction of the abdomen and waist.
A Perfect Medical Vacation in Costa Rica – Tummy Tuck prices.
The doctors will decide on the best approach for you based on your anatomy and personal goals. Tummy tucks generally fall into the category of a complete Abdominoplasty, a partial Abdominoplasty or a mini-tuck Abdominoplasty.
Typical tummy tuck procedure in Costa Rica.
During the procedure, the doctors will tighten the muscle fascia with sutures and then typically use liposuction as well as liposculpture to refine the abdomen to a more youthful flatness.
Tummy tuck with liposuction in Costa Rica
I am often asked what is the difference between liposuction and liposculpture. Liposuction, usually the tumescent type, is used to remove large quantities of fat, and liposculpture is performed using smaller cannulas which more easily remove residual fat pockets for a smoother appearance.
Costa Rica doctors use both types in order to give the very best results possible.
Tummy tuck with liposuction in Costa Rica – Prices!
During recovery, a compression garment will be worn and doctors typically prescribe specialized massages to help with drainage and healing.
Tummy tucks can take from two to five hours to complete, and the results are permanent and beautiful.
Initial swelling and bruising resolve in one to two weeks but at least several months are needed until the final result becomes stable.
Enjoy the Costa Rica beaches during your medical vacation.
Costa Rica is the primary destination for tummy tucks because of the exceptional skill of the surgeons and because prices are up to 75% less than the U.S.
Their surgeons are so skilled at performing tummy tucks, that the Medical Group of Costa Rica plastic surgeons use advanced technology to actually place sutures under the skin.
This approach helps ensure that the incision stays closed and ultimately gives the best cosmetic result.
Additionally, the surgeons place the incision as low as possible, so it is hidden within most types of underwear.
Almost-invisible incisions are one of the many reasons that people to go Costa Rica for tummy tucks. The other reason, of course, is the low price. Costa Rica has a lower cost of living yet their state-of-the-art hospitals and surgery centers are absolutely first-class and among the finest in the world.
Here are tummy tuck prices in Costa Rica.
Amazing Tummy Tucks in Costa Rica – Details
Your visit to Costa Rica will be 6 days and you may enjoy some of the best tours and sightseeing in the world either before or after your surgery.
For an idea of tours with videos, go to the Costa Rica Medical Center Inn website.
Costa Rica Medical Center Inn, San José, Costa Rica – Rates
Costa Rica is a fantastic country with lots to see and do. You will stay at the beautiful Costa Rica Medical Center Inn following your procedure. You will have exceptional medical care by registered nurses during your recovery.
For really low prices in Costa Rica and more information, get a tummy tuck price from the top medical group, the Medical Group of Costa Rica.
Cima Hospital – in San José, Costa Rica
Cima Hospital – San José, Costa Rica
For Medical Tourism, Cima Hospital in San José, Costa Rica offers the very best in medical services. It is a JCI-accredited hospital with complete facilities for plastic surgery and other surgeries.
The Medical Tourism Guy – All about Tummy Tucks in Los Angeles!
Tummy tuck in Los Angeles, CA, California, Tummy tuck in Costa Rica – The Medical Tourism Guy. Compare a tummy tuck in Los Angeles CA to a tummy tuck in Costa Rica. Want to flatten your abdomen and restore a youthful appearance? A tummy tuck is the right procedure for you. Costa Rica is close to the U.S. and has the lowest prices. Find the Best Doctor and Cheapest Price for a tummy tuck. Costa Rica has the Lowest Price for a Tummy Tuck. The Medical Tourism Guy recommends the Best Clinics in Costa Rica for a Tummy Tuck. The Medical Tourism Guy recommends the Top Doctors in Costa Rica for a Tummy Tuck. Find plastic surgeons in Costa Rica for a Tummy Tuck – The Medical Tourism Guy. Patient Reviews, Before and After pictures, Top Rated Doctors, Hospitals and Clinics, Best Doctors in Los Angeles CA, Best Doctors in Costa Rica, Lowest Prices for a Tummy Tuck – The Medical Tourism Guy. Keyword tags: tummy tuck, Los Angeles, CA, California, abdominoplasty, mini tuck, tummy tuck with liposuction, lowest prices, tummy tuck, surgical,, excess skin, fat, protruding belly, surgeons, 75% less, u.s. prices, surgery, best tours, sightseeing, tours, plastic surgeons, low prices
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